Five keys for a smooth Cloud migration

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The benefits delivered by hybrid cloud to businesses are so tangible that adoption levels are reaching an extraordinary extent.   Indeed, the fact that organizations have maximum flexibility to keep up with business growth, agility to assimilate high-speed changes, and resilience to ensure business continuity means that now, more than 90% of businesses are considering maintaining or increase their expenditure and use of cloud, according to Flexera Cloud Report 2023. 

Cloud migration is no longer an option — it’s the pathway for companies to lean on an always modern infrastructure with the latest technologies to innovate, generate new customer experiences, or even anticipate market demands. However, if the right steps are not taken at the right time, migration can be costly and complex. 

Five keys we would like to share for a smooth transition. 

  1. Leadership support: Cloud migration is a business decision, not just a technological implementation. Therefore, if it is part of the company’s digital transformation strategy and is endorsed by the organization’s leaders, chances of success and sustainability are significantly higher for this project. 
  1. Focus on the business: Focus your attention on how the cloud will enable business growth or how strategy is aligned with the organizational purpose. Businesses often tend to worry about technical issues, get bogged down in complex IT landscapes, or suffer disproportionately trying to protect applications and data from growing cyber threats. Reality is that all of these situations can be delegated to a technology partner’s expert hands. 
  1. Keep it simple: Certainly, hybrid and multi-cloud environments offer unlimited flexibility levels, opening the door to new management and governance challenges, though. This is why, having solutions with a single point of monitoring and control of the entire architecture is essential. Businesses need the agility of public cloud as well as the security and control of private cloud in a single, integrated solution to give you the freedom to build, evaluate, and run applications where necessary, with utmost performance and cost control. 
  1. A solution to every need: There are different cloud providers with diverse proposals. There is always one that best fits a specific company’s requirements. We need to bet on flexible contracts, since they will allow you to choose the best alternative at all times, and even change dynamically if the business so requires. Accordingly, the presence of a technology partner capable of managing these bonds becomes important again. 
  1. Metrics and improvements. Workload migration to the cloud is barely the first step in a continuous improvement process. With the right metrics, based on analytical tools, artificial intelligence and big data, companies can bet to optimize performance, costs, or usability of their cloud solutions. 

Hybrid cloud brings significant advantages for organizations.  To benefit from them, in Cirion we provide a set of solutions for cloud migration in a safe manner, with top performance and best security, scalability and connectivity levels.

Gabriel del Campo

VP Data Center, Cloud & Security
Cirion Technologies


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