Guide to understanding WiFi 7 and how it can facilitate computer security improvement

Guide to understanding WiFi 7 and how it can facilitate computer security improvement


  • Technology WiFi 7: The seventh generation technology could broadly outperform their previous versions in terms of capacity, connection speeds and latency
  • Cirion experts explain its importance for different industries, as well as for data protection.


Wireless technologies adoption, such as WiFi has gradually increased in Latin America thanks to the growing connectivity and digitalization in the region.  Even though there’s still a big gap for overall availability, experts in the area trust implementation will fast-track with the activation of rising connectivity modalities such as Low Earth Orbit (LEO), or 5G connectivity development, thus making it more affordable.

With this objective in mind, people are already talking about WiFi 7, the next generation of wireless technology that is being developed globally, to deliver faster connection speeds, higher capacity, and lower latency compared to previous WiFi technologies. “Although it is not completely standardized yet, nor widely available on the market, WiFi 7 is expected to significantly outperform its predecessors in terms of performance and efficiency,” said Alejandro Girardotti, Senior Director, Product, Innovation and Strategic Alliances at Cirion Technologies.


But what are Technology Wi-Fi 7’s new features and advantages?


Cirion experts explain a series of implications of this new technology:

  • Enhanced use of available bandwidth: Users of this new technology could reach final speeds 45x faster than current WIFI solutions. To accomplish this, multiple channels (MLO, Multi-Link Operation) are used. This feature enables use of different channels simultaneously.
  • Latency is reduced at a minimum by generating a higher throughput than the old WIFI and by using multiple channels/bands. This will be leveraged by the gaming world and the metaverse.
  • Applications in key industries: Various industries could benefit from WiFi 7 deployment, including mining, where it could be used to improve work environments connectivity. Similarly, the healthcare sector could leverage WiFi 7 to enhance telemedicine and remote real-time care in rural and urban areas.
  • Boost the economy: WiFi 7 overall implementation in the region, in tandem with new means of access. 5G and LEO satellites could boost digital economy by enabling more advanced e-commerce apps., and services, online education and digital tourism, particularly in countries where technology adoption and breakthroughs are lower. Thus, economic growth and social development could be driven in the region.
  • Increased connection security: By adopting this new WIFI 7 technology end users will benefit from an improved connection, either in shared (Coffee-shops, Restaurants, Universities) or controlled environments, in addition to an enhanced security. Security is a growing concern as more businesses and users adopt wireless technologies.


“WiFi 7 could improve these networks’ security by delivering more sophisticated protocols and improved threat detection and prevention capabilities. As far as the technology and telecommunications areas are concerned, organizations could deploy WiFi 7 to improve their network infrastructure and offer faster and more reliable connectivity services, including ISPs, mobile carriers and IT companies” said Girardotti.

The executive continued saying that WiFi 7 also presents challenges in terms of risk management and sensitive data protection: “Implementing this seventh generation technology in Latin America will call for a significant investment in network infrastructure and compatible equipment. This could entail some challenges, in a context where many companies and governments face budgetary constraints and competing priorities. However, investment in connectivity technologies such as WiFi 7 could be critical to maintain economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life in the region,” he closed.

And even though we still don’t have specific data on WiFi 7 adoption in Latin America, industry data estimates that countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile will lead the implementation of this technology due to their market size and economic and technological development levels. Besides, WiFi 7 is expected to install key improvements compared to previous versions such as WiFi 6, WiFi 5 and WiFi 4, aimed at addressing many of the vulnerabilities and limitations associated with these technologies in terms of security and performance.

Cirion Senior Director, Product, Innovation and Strategic Alliances revealed that “WiFi 7 is designed to include more advanced security protocols and enhanced encryption capabilities for cyberthreat protection, e.g., not only more robust security standards, such as WPA3, -which offers stronger encryption and improved protection against brute force attacks- but threat detection and prevention as well, such as phishing, ransomware, and data interception. This might include the ability to automatically identify and mitigate suspicious network activity, as well as the capacity to block or isolate compromised devices to prevent threats from spreading,” among other possibilities, he concluded.

What are ASNs?  Learn their importance for Internet quality

What are ASNs? Learn their importance for Internet quality

  • End users’ experience connecting to the Internet depends on the Autonomous System to which their service provider is connected.
  • According to a topological, data-based ranking by ASRank, Cirion’s Autonomous Internet System (ASN) 3356 ranks in the first place.[1]


The Internet is a massive global network of interconnected networks, which connects computing systems around the world and enables information exchange, data transmission,  online resources and services access, as well as instant communication and real-time collaboration. For this service to reach an end user, Internet providers connect to this global infrastructure and receive an Autonomous System Number (ASN). For Latin America, assignments are made by the Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Center (LACNIC).

The ASN is a numerical identifier assigned to each provider engaged in data routing on the network. “This system is of the essence for an efficient and secure Internet performance,  facilitating data traffic management and routing. Cirion Technologies is one of the Tier-1 providers in Latin America through ASN 3356, amongst the most extensive ones, with a set of IP addresses and a large number of interconnections, which enables companies, governments, cloud service providers, carriers, ISPs and other Latin American leading companies to connect to the world directly, without depending on other providers,” said Rubén Gutiérrez, Lead Product Manager at Cirion.


The four key benefits provided by a Tier 1 ASN are: 


  1. Robust connectivity: A high-quality ASN should have robust and reliable connectivity, both at a domestic and international level. This entails redundant connections in place, with multiple Internet providers and peering points to ensure stable, high-speed connectivity for your customers.
  1. Low latency: Data can travel quickly and efficiently between points of origin and destination. Providing low latencies is critical for latency-sensitive applications such as real-time videos, online gaming, and financial applications.
  1. Scalability: Internet providers need to scale to meet their customers’ growing demand for bandwidth and services. Having a flexible and scalable network infrastructure in place, allows for traffic spikes management and adjustment to changing market needs.
  1. Security: A Tier-1 ASN must have an implemented RPKI to ensure the authenticity of the routes announced.

This mechanism prevents route hijacking and protects networks from malicious or mis-originated announcements, reducing chances of security breaches. Additionally, to ensure network security and protect your customers’ confidential data, a set of managed security services is available to allow implementation of robust security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption.

“Although two Internet providers delivering 10 Mbps speeds might seem apparently identical, this is not entirely true, since user experience may vary depending on latency; e.g.; major videogame providers connect directly to Cirion through ASN 3356; and therefore, they gain lower latency. This means that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the region -connected to Cirion’s network- will experience an effortless traffic flow to these online services. Consequently, end users will enjoy a smooth and seamless gaming experience,” concluded Cirion’s expert.

[1] Data obtained from the web: | Considering that three different organizations deliver services using the same autonomous system (AS) 3356 as Tier 1: Cirion, Lumen, and Colt.

The Essential Role of CDNs for Live Sporting Event Broadcasting

The Essential Role of CDNs for Live Sporting Event Broadcasting

CDNs ensure high-quality, seamless streaming for large-scale sporting events such as the 2024 Copa América, and the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, efficiently managing traffic spikes and offering global coverage.


With the start of the 2024 Copa América 2024 and the awaited 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the streaming technology behind these events becomes more relevant. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play a significant role ensuring that millions of viewers worldwide have access to a seamless, high-quality viewing experience via streaming.


Improving Viewer Experience

According to Rubén Gutiérrez, Lead Product Manager at Cirion Technologies, one of the best-known advantages of CDNs is latency reduction for live streaming.  “If there is an event in a faraway geographic location, such as Brazil or France, the output signal is distributed globally through a distributed network interconnected to the Internet, which allows meeting viewers’ needs from servers close to their location,” said Gutiérrez. This means that, instead of managing streaming from the point of origin, Edge distribution servers deliver content over the Internet locally, significantly reducing delivery time and improving video and audio quality.


Scalability and Traffic Management

Sporting events usually raise significant traffic peaks, and it’s just here where CDNs prove their true value.  “TV channels can normally have 10,000 users simultaneously connected; however during an important match, that number can rise up to 200,000,” says Gutiérrez. CDNs allow efficient scalation to manage this sudden demand surge, distributing loads across multiple servers and ensuring good performance for all users.


Global Distribution and High Availability

Another key advantage is their global content distribution capacity.  Gutiérrez remarks that CDNs not only operate in a specific country but are able to stream events via internet to audiences around the globe. “A local sailing championship, for example, could be broadcast globally, allowing Peruvian citizens in Madrid to follow local sporting events in near real time,” he added.

Additionally, CDNs ensure high content availability, balancing loads between servers to prevent overloads and ensuring content seamless access for users.


Content Adaptability

CDNs have evolved significantly, adopting new streaming protocols such as HLS and DASH, which enable better content adaptability. “These protocols allow automatic system self-regulation, providing an improved user experience without manual intervention,” continued Gutiérrez.

For example, a user may be watching a soccer match on their mobile, using the network, which has very small bandwidth; but once at home they continue watching the same game from their home Wi-Fi network. Streaming will automatically detect the higher bandwidth available and increase consumption to gain better visibility.


Benefits for Retail and Cable Companies

Live streaming and VOD (Video On Demand) are primarily the types of content that companies require the most when hiring CDN services in Peru. These services enable effective scalability and high availability, critical for sporting events streaming and other contents where high traffic volumes are required. However, in the retail sector, companies are also using CDNs to deliver faster and more reliable online shopping experiences by quickly loading product images and videos.

Gutiérrez points out that “in the retail sector, many companies’ websites offer their products adding photos or videos on how to use said products; e.g., a microwave oven. The CDN ensures that this content is delivered quickly and seamlessly, improving user experience and increasing chances of conversion.”

Thanks to its widespread CDN network in Latin America and its global alliances, Cirion Technologies delivers an extensive and robust coverage, capable of handling large traffic volumes and ensuring high availability of content. “Cirion owns a broad CDN Network throughout Latin America and is strategically allied to companies such as Qwilt and Tata Communications, thus enhancing our network and global service capacity”, highlighted Gutiérrez.

This collaboration not only improves content delivery capacity. It also provides dedicated technical support during high-demand events.  “Our operators monitor and manage live events, ensuring that all technical aspects are working appropriately and responding quickly to any incidents,” he added.

With the Copa América and the Olympic Games ahead, TV channels and cable companies can benefit from CDNs to provide a superior user experience and efficient, reliable content distribution.

Why is Wi-Fi 7 going to transform the way we work and live?

Why is Wi-Fi 7 going to transform the way we work and live?

The new generation of wireless networks leverages Internet connection, opening endless innovation opportunities, which will change the way organizations create value and how we live our lives. 



Wireless connectivity has become ubiquitous in our daily lives in the current digital era.  And even though the technology available today, in theory, allows us to connect up to 253 devices to a home router, the truth is that we do not have so many devices at home, and yet we are protagonists and victims of network latency effects. 

To give you an idea, a Wi-Fi router may be connecting at least four smartphones, no less than one or two Smart TVs, and more than one computer of a typical family in an urban center, and in some cases we need to add security cameras as well as some other appliances. And the lack of low latency is noticed in video calls or in the loading times of movies and series streaming platforms. In this context, Wi-Fi 7 emerges as the next generation of wireless technology, promising to take connectivity to an unprecedented level. 

One of Wi-Fi 7 biggest breakthroughs is its ability to provide data transfer speeds incredibly faster than the ones delivered by the Wi-Fi found in most Latin American homes and businesses. With theoretical rates exceeding 30 Gbps, this new wireless technology takes speed to a level previously associated only with wired connections. This means faster downloads, real-time, seamless content streaming, and a smoother overall user experience. 

In technical terms, the rationale for this is that Wi-Fi 7 brings in significant spectral efficiency improvements, meaning it is able to oversee more devices simultaneously without sacrificing performance. This is especially important in a context where more devices requiring the internet for their partial or total operation piles up on a daily basis. With Wi-Fi 7, the effects of network congestion are reduced to almost zero, allowing for more stable and efficient connectivity in saturated environments. 

This point also helps address the latency issue, or the delay for a data packet to travel from source to destination. With remarkably low latency, time-sensitive applications such as online gaming are significantly improved, something that mobile online gaming fans suffer from when competing remotely against another individual. This feature not only improves user experience, but it also involves sensitive applications in areas such as healthcare and industrial automation. 

And greater connectivity entails greater security. Wireless network security is an ongoing concern, and Wi-Fi 7 addresses this challenge with significant improvements to its security protocols. With features like enhanced WPA3 encryption and more robust authentication, Wi-Fi 7 provides a more secure environment for sensitive data streaming. 

This package of benefits or improvements leads to this type of connection to greater compatibility with emerging technologies that are transforming the way we live and work. From the Internet of Things (IoT) to Artificial Intelligence, this wireless technology is ready to support the demands of a constantly evolving digital ecosystem. 

For all of the above, Wi-Fi 7 represents a significant milestone in wireless networks evolution. With its outstanding speed, improved spectral efficiency, low latency and security improvements, this technology is poised to transform the way we experience connectivity and to leverage each country’s available connectivity. As we move toward an increasingly connected future, Wi-Fi 7 is emerging as a critical pillar that will drive the next wave of technological innovations. We are on the verge of a wireless revolution, and Wi-Fi 7 is one of the tools that will pave the way to a faster, more efficient and connected world.

Alejandro Girardotti
Senior Director of Products, Innovation and Strategic Alliances
Cirion Technologies.

Connecting Latitudes: Moving Towards a Secure and Efficient Digital Future in Latin America

Connecting Latitudes: Moving Towards a Secure and Efficient Digital Future in Latin America


May 17 is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, a propitious time to reflect on the advances and perspectives of this critical area in our lives. On this occasion, it is crucial to turn our attention to the specific dynamics and challenges facing Latin America in the field of telecommunications, especially at a time when connectivity and digitalization are rapidly transforming our society and economy.

One of the most hopeful developments on the horizon for the region is the implementation of 5G technology. This next generation of mobile networks promises to revolutionize the way we connect, offering ultra-fast speeds, lower latency, and massive connection capabilities. In several countries in the region where pilot tests and limited deployments are already underway, while in others there are already a significant number of connections to this network, 5G has the potential to drive innovation in key sectors such as health, education, manufacturing and agriculture, generating economic opportunities and improving citizens’ quality of life.

However, moving towards a successful and secure 5G ecosystem requires a comprehensive approach that includes not only the expansion of network infrastructure, but also the implementation of robust cybersecurity and data protection measures. The vast majority of Latin American countries have made progress in initiatives focused on redefining and conceptually updating their regulations on the protection of personal data.

The interconnection of an increasing number of devices and systems in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) poses new challenges in terms of privacy and cybersecurity. Therefore, it is critical that governments and businesses work closely together to establish clear standards and regulations that protect the integrity of networks and the confidentiality of personal information.

In addition to 5G, another key element that is shaping the telecommunications landscape in the region is artificial intelligence (AI). From virtual assistants to predictive analytics to process automation, AI is transforming the way we interact with technology and how businesses operate. In Latin America, the adoption of AI solutions is on the rise, especially in sectors such as e-commerce, healthcare, and financial services. However, skills gaps need to be addressed and digital inclusion promoted to ensure that all segments of society can benefit from the opportunities offered by this technology.

Ultimately, the success of digital transformation in Latin America will depend to a large extent on collaboration between different players: governments, businesses, civil and academic society. It is essential that policies and programs are established that encourage investment in infrastructure, technological innovation and the development of human talent. At the same time, we must ensure that this progress is made ethically and responsibly, protecting individual rights and promoting inclusion and equity.

On this World Telecommunication Day, let us celebrate the progress made so far and renew our commitment to building a safe, inclusive and prosperous digital future for all in Latin America. It’s an exciting time to stay connected and witness how technology continues to transform our lives and create new opportunities for development and progress. Let’s move forward with determination and vision towards a tomorrow where connectivity is truly universal and beneficial to all.


Leonardo Barbero
President, Fiber Business Unit
Cirion Technologies
What are quantum networks and how close are they to transforming business?

What are quantum networks and how close are they to transforming business?

Technology, highlighted as one of the most promising for the upcoming years, reflects the new frontier of corporate connectivity. 

In an increasingly interconnected world, emerging technologies have taken the lead in shaping the future of corporations.  Within this technological revolution, one term has captured the attention of experts and business leaders alike: quantum networking.  Essentially, these networks represent a new frontier in information transmission, harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics to revolutionize corporate connectivity.  Featured in Gartner’s report “Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking 2023”, it’s important to pause for a second and understand their scope. 

Quantum networks, in simple terms, involve the transmission of information between connected devices, using the unique properties of subatomic particles to store and transfer data.  Through the superposition and interweaving of particles, a highly secure and efficient connection, capable of overcoming the limitations of classical networks, is established. 

These networks are used in various corporate applications, from quantum cryptography, which guarantees robust security when transmitting confidential data, to distributed quantum computing, which allows companies to perform complex calculations faster, more efficiently than ever before.  In addition, quantum networks have the potential to transform sectors

Business benefits and the corporate landscape

The integration of quantum networks with corporate operations entails a number of significant benefits.  First, improved security guarantees that sensitive data is secured, which is key in a world where privacy and information protection are essential.  By providing an additional layer of security through quantum cryptography, quantum networks can protect companies against advanced cyber threats and malicious attacks. 

In addition, the ability to perform complex calculations more efficiently can increase productivity and innovation in various sectors.  Companies can perform advanced data analysis more quickly, allowing them to make informed decisions in real time and adapt quickly to dynamic market conditions.  This agility and responsiveness can be the key to remaining competitive in a changing and constantly evolving corporate  environment. 

Looking towards the future 

Quantum networks are still in their early stages before widespread adoption.  But there’s no doubt that they represent a crucial evolution in corporate infrastructure, offering a unique combination of enhanced security and advanced processing capabilities.  According to Gartner’s market analysis, the promise is real, and we should see this technology come to fruition within the next 10 years, which, in terms of technology and business, is just the blink of an eye.  

Limited deadline! Cirion offers you the opportunity to access Gartner’s exclusive report  “Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking 2023”, by clicking here.

Alejandro Girardotti
Senior Director of Product, Innovation & Strategic Partnerships
Cirion Technologies