New Technologies call for Low-latency, Processing Capacity Investments.

New Technologies call for Low-latency, Processing Capacity Investments.

Digital transformation progress demands more capacity, security, and response capacity for data processing.
It’s no secret for IT professionals that demand for hosting, traffic, and data security services will be increasingly higher over the next years. We see more than ever that in order to perform their businesses, companies rely on information crossing and analyses, for which speed, agility, and trust are essential. And this is where data centers, cloud computing, and investment thereon play their part.

Worldwide advances of 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence increasingly call for more data traffic capacity, low latency, robustness, and reliability to support and backup this growing need. And Latin America is no stranger to this trend. These demands are more complex in the region due to legacy systems integration, thus creating hybrid-digital infrastructure demands, not always easy to integrate in the most traditional public clouds.

In Brazil, for example, further to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD -for its acronym in Portuguese) enactment, in 2021, which mandated companies to gather and process sensitive and personal information, the data center market registered an increased demand, since this law demands higher investments from companies to create reliability through data protection. In other words, the data center and treatment market is very hectic


Forecasts encourage the sector

According to Arizton, the data center market should reach US$3,69 billion by 2027. To have an idea of this growth, the same consulting firm estimates the current sector’s value in US$2,23 billion. Please note that Brazil is the biggest representative for this sector in Latin America, primarily due to its mainland territory, large population, and significant economy.

The scenario is promising for Latin America as well. According to CBRE consulting, the Latin American market for data centers grew more than 20% during the first half of 2022. And based on ReportLinker’s report more evolution is expected, estimating a 6.97% percent regional growth for this sector from this year until 2027, something driven by the companies’ need to boost digital transformation by means of cloud computing solutions, and hosting and colocation models.


Is your company buying infrastructure?

Certainly, you heard about Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and this cloud model is a growing trend. According to IDC, cloud consumption by the Telecom sector should grow an average 32.2% in IaaS over the next five years. Additionally, virtualization of telecommunications networks is one of the main trends identified this year, in Brazil.

IaaS market is expected to keep on growing as the cloud becomes the main infrastructure to meet the latest technology’s needs. Working in the cloud brings

among many other benefits, the scalability and composition that innovations and advanced applications need.


Bare Metal Cloud

Cirion Bare Metal Cloud is a customized development example for the local market. This resource enables any platform customer to perform immediate allocation of dedicated servers through a managed portal, providing low latency, provisioning speed, self-service and self-management.

Unlike traditional hosting this service does not require long acquisition and provisioning times, or extensive agreements, providing a cloud format service with the freedom of use of a dedicated system. This model is exactly designed to tackle the conditions and challenges our customers face in their daily operations.

Rodrigo Oliveira

Business Director – Data Center, Cloud & Security

With over 30 years of experience at the Data Center and Telcos segment, Rodrigo provides Cirion’s customers with the necessary guidance to leverage technology for business expansion. He worked for several multinational companies in Brazil, and contributed to build Diveo’s operation in the country. He was as well President of UOL Diveo’s unit in Colombia, while performing the affiliate sale to Riverwood/Synapsis. He also directed Matrix Datacenter.

Webex, Teams and Zoom … Oh my!

Webex, Teams and Zoom … Oh my!

In the complex world of Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C), how do you pick the best solution for your business?

Paradigm shifts happen all the time in business, and they are frequently the result of technological advancements that improve efficiency and drive down costs. As we all learned in 2020, however, few things will change the business paradigm faster than a global pandemic, which forced businesses to pivot to remote work whether they were ready or not. 

As hindsight clearly revealed, IT managers who weren’t already supporting a remote workforce in March 2020 found themselves with their hair on fire trying to keep the business open no matter what.  

Two years later, the outside world is starting to feel like it’s returning to “normal” (knock on wood). But for businesses that accelerated their digital transformation due to Covid (and according to a study published in Forbes, that’s about 97% of you) there’s no returning to the way things used to be. In fact, if your business is like most others, you invested in collaboration technologies that helped stop the bleeding at the time but weren’t necessarily a permanent solution. 

Now it’s time to get surgical by implementing collaboration technologies that maximize those early investments and put you in a position to thrive in the post-Covid paradigm.  

It sounds like a great plan, except there’s one major problem: this journey to UC&C can be daunting. After all, there are several vendors from which to choose – big names like Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom – and each has distinctive benefits. But here in the real world, no two companies are alike, and each business’s unique needs make navigating the UC&C landscape a frustrating and inefficient proposition.  

To address this challenge, buyers of collaboration solutions essentially have two options: 

  1. Hire an adviser that has decades of experience in the space, partners with all the major UC&C providers, and can guide customers through the complicated technology landscape to ensure they get the most out of their existing investments.  
  2. Figure it out themselves. 

There are countless reasons why “figuring it out” is not ideal for many businesses. Most IT teams do not have the infrastructure, platform, or experience needed to seamlessly and efficiently migrate to a total end-to-end solution, nor can they pull valuable resources off other projects to focus on UC&C for many weeks, months or potentially years. 

If only there was a partner that had the assets and footprint of a Tier 1 carrier, along with the specialized expertise that comes from decades of experience providing communication services and reselling cloud products.  

As it turns out, we here at Lumen ARE that partner. Unlike some vendors who might push for a completely homogenous collaboration environment based on one provider’s technology, Lumen accommodates customers who have disparate systems and could benefit from deploying the best of each individual service.  

In other words, Lumen’s capabilities align with the needs of the new business paradigm, and we provide a more strategic route to success through a service we call Lumen Enablement Services for UC&C

Lumen Enablement Services for UC&C was built with three capabilities in mind: 

  • Customer Success – we offer training, adoption services, and best practices implementation. 
  • Operational Efficiency and Support – providing migration strategies and product selection/deployment based on the individual customer’s need. 
  • Network and Environment Optimization – In addition to operating one of the world’s largest IP backbones, Lumen has award-winning relationships with the major UC&C vendors. We also have the support processes around each vendor, which allows for seamless management of different applications deployed.  

The results speak for themselves. Take, for example, a Fortune 100 customer that had recently merged with a major competitor: 



Lumen Difference

The customer used Cisco for its communication and collaboration solutions, but the merging company did not.  

Employees of the merged entities used disparate systems, and some were even on end-of-life phone service. Once merged, nearly 35,000 employees needed to be upgraded and integrated.

Lumen helped the customer evaluate its options and design a customized solution around the Webex portfolio. 

Lumen migrated ~25,000 users to the Cisco Webex Calling platform in 10 weeks; implemented ~20,000 Cisco Webex Meetings licenses in four weeks; effective adoption services led to the addition of , ~5000 more users to Webex Calling. 

Lumen’s expertise, its partnerships with the major UC&C providers (in this case, Webex), and its ability to provide a turnkey offer helped the customer quickly implement a highly effective solution to a complex business challenge.

Implementing UC&C might seem complicated, but with Lumen Enablement Services for UC&C it doesn’t have to be. If you need to rapidly enable a workforce, have a highly distributed organization, are migrating from on-prem to the cloud, or have cost-prohibitive legacy services, you don’t need to “figure it all out” yourself. Lumen can help deliver the custom solution your business needs to thrive in the post-Covid paradigm.

For more information about Lumen Enablement Services, visit our website or contact us today. 

Read the original post in English >

Tera Sumner
Senior Manager
Global Product Management
Lumen UC&C and Voice

Anticipating the challenges presented by 5G

Anticipating the challenges presented by 5G

5G telecommunications technology promotes unprecedented speed, reduced latency, and better quality. Online gaming on the go or movie downloads in seconds while using public transportation are only some of the promises that will soon become a reality. This translates into a remarkable increase in traffic levels, estimated to continue growing at an annual rate of 17% over the next few years. 

Additionally, there are market demands: an end user that requests even better experiences, no matter what device or operating system being used; the need for unlimited speeds, especially in markets such as online gaming, a segment that is becoming increasingly competitive. Look at the streaming market, which has gone from having only one player to having hundreds in a few years, with greater voracity for receiving content anytime, anywhere, including digital platforms and e-commerce channels. 

To anticipate these emerging challenges, Lumen offers an end-to-end solution capable of meeting this demand without technical issues, while ensuring a good user experience, ranging from content collection – a public event or live, on-demand content – to visualization on end user’s screen, including transport to data centers, preparation for release and aspects such as copyright, subtitling, and distribution. Consider all of this with the shortest delay possible, no hops, and high quality. 

Security, scalability, flexibility 

To obtain this result, one of the pillars is the CDN (content distribution network), key in solving three major dilemmas surrounding how the user receives their digital experience: 

First: security. The network itself has different levels of protection to safeguard the integrity of applications, prevent intrusions, avoid deployment of rogue bots, and eliminate risks of DDoS attacks, which are thoroughly disseminated.   

Second: capacity. Possesses scalability to absorb peaks as well as geographical distribution with presence in more than ninety urban locations, allowing quality to be maintained without overload when faced with events such as massive game updates or global movie premieres, situations that usually multiply demand tenfold in relation to the general average.  

Third: flexibility. Increasingly, edge solutions are incorporated to optimize performance in each geographic zone, with dynamic and upgradeable storage to fulfill different user profiles in different regions.  

Every User is a Server 

One step further, multi-CDN environments ensure redundancy at all levels. As systems become more critical, it’s important to eliminate the risks of micro-cuts or reduced performance. 

Another major pillar in Lumen’s solution is Lumen Mesh Delivery. It combines the best of both worlds: CDN, already described, and peer to peer. This means that users’ devices grab content from the network and share it when geographical proximity is detected.  This way, you receive both capillarity and distribution capacity. This is obtained through WebRTC, a standard already available in major browsers and operating systems. 

Results improve as the number of network users increase.  It is scalable and expands coverage at the same rate in which devices are distributed; each person is a potential server. Naturally, its resource management is very precise, understanding the limits of each device and providing a seamless user experience. 

5G technology presents numerous challenges while fostering countless opportunities.  Understanding how to avoid the former is key to enjoying its full potential. 

Jon Paul "JP" McLeary

Esteban Tapias
Product Management
Lumen, LATAM

Corporate Leadership: are we mindful of our responsibility?

Corporate Leadership: are we mindful of our responsibility?

As companies, being innovative allows us to adopt a conscious leadership role and thereby contribute to the progress of society in all its dimensions. Let’s identify today’s challenges to build the solutions we’ll need tomorrow. 

In 1760, at the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution, the companies leading the mechanization process, creating, and driving the use of steam engines and hydraulic power, were probably not aware that they were protagonists of change in the paradigms of production. In fact, the magnitude of the economic, social, cultural, and technological transformations likely became visible and quantifiable only a decade or two later, at least. 

Today, more than 250 years later, with a 4th Industrial Revolution still under construction and even a Digital Acceleration process driven by the Covid-19 pandemic, companies are again challenged to take the lead in this era of dynamic changes.  

However, experience from previous technological leaps has left an important lesson for companies today: from the start, they need to be mindful of their creative leadership and innovative protagonism. 

In any case, I must say that although we are fully aware of the importance of our business decisions today, we will probably be unable to rid ourselves completely of the hyperopia that prevents us from seeing the impact of our actions in the short term but will be clearly observed over time. 

In a decade, we’ll look back and clearly distinguish the turning point that defined the productive and business paradigm shift of this Industrial Revolution. We will recognize its protagonists, their motivations, and main achievements, and certainly, some of the companies that today are at the forefront of the process will be among them. 

Therefore, it’s important that companies take ownership of their protagonism and responsibility in this fully developing 4th Industrial Revolution, where the advance of technological solutions allows us, each day, to push the limits of our expectations a little further. 

As companies that exercise leadership, today we have an invaluable opportunity to be mindful, focusing on our changing environments, and imagining the future and what the world will be like in 20, 30 or 50 years, to start building its foundations immediately. 

We have the historical opportunity to lead this evolutionary process, where all dimensions of human activity, not only industrial and economic, but also the way we advance as a culture and relate to each other as a society, will experience a qualitative leap. 

Our challenge is to continue innovating, to persevere in designing solutions to problems we don’t yet know, anticipating disruptive solutions to demands that are only beginning to emerge in today’s world. 

In this sense, companies’ intuition is critical.  Certainly, listening to our customers and consumers is the cornerstone of our business, providing solutions to their needs and proposing new services to continually raise their satisfaction levels. 

However, the ability to create innovative products and services is one of the critical strategic assets our companies have.  We must anticipate the future, and since we can do so, nothing can stop us from moving in that direction. 

Before the invention of the light bulb, or the electric light bulb, when Thomas Edison acquired the patent in 1880 and perfected the device to make it truly massive and commercial, the lighting industry’s debate at the time revolved around how to make candle wax burn slower. 

Being innovative will allow us to be mindful of our leadership and contribute to the progress of society in all its dimensions.  Let’s identify today’s challenges to build the solutions we’ll need tomorrow.  


Jon Paul "JP" McLeary

Hector Alonso
Regional President
Lumen, LATAM

What Is SASE And What Problems Does It Address?

What Is SASE And What Problems Does It Address?

The 4th Industrial Revolution continues to fundamentally transform industries and reshape the way enterprises conduct business across an increasingly distributed, global landscape. In this environment, emerging technologies promise to drive greater efficiency and growth, fusing digital and analog worlds together in new ways. While none of us can say with any certainty what this future world will look like, we can be certain of this much: the ability to access and secure data and applications in real-time will be foundational to realizing its ultimate promise.

Of course, our current world has changed dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to accommodate millions of remote workers. Whereas legacy IT models were predicated on centralized office locations and secured data centers, the pandemic accelerated the trend of increasingly distributed workforces and necessitated a greater push to make applications, data and other privileged network resources available in a decentralized fashion. Unfortunately, current infrastructure and architectures are wildly insufficient for supporting the real-time access and security demands of next-generation applications and technologies.

And while it’s true that this new way of work offers greater flexibility, new operating efficiencies, lower costs, and a host of other benefits, it comes at a cost. Since legacy infrastructure was never designed to support a decentralized and distributed workforce, there are a variety of performance and security challenges to consider: lagging application performance, network latency, weak data security controls, and perhaps most distressing of all, an unrelenting and constantly evolving threat environment.

A New Architectural Vision: SASE

In 2019, the terminology of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) started spreading across many industry circles, outlining a new architectural framework designed to meet the challenges of the modern distributed enterprise. As enterprises increasingly adopt SD-WAN to optimize network performance, and new threats emerge outside the defined security perimeter, the complexity of managing these systems in a cohesive manner creates a whole set of new IT management and security challenges.

The SASE framework represents the convergence of several established technologies which aim to merge comprehensive SD-WAN capabilities and network security functions into a unified approach – one that will ultimately be better suited to addressing the needs of tomorrow’s enterprise data workloads and applications. While SASE is more of a philosophy and a direction than a checklist of features and capabilities, it may generally be characterized as comprised of five key networking and security technologies:

  • SD-WAN
  • Firewall as a Service (FWaaS)
  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)
  • Secure Web Gateway, and
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

In this new paradigm, there is an expectation that the applications and the data that workers require to stay productive remain always available, optimized for performance needs, and protected regardless of wherever they might be connecting from.

In essence, the idea of SASE is to offer secure network services anywhere a user might connect from. And this converged solution should ideally optimize and extend the performance of applications that are spread across individual users, premises, edge, and public/private cloud environments.

The Problems That SASE Addresses

Even as the pandemic has subsided, an increasing number of enterprises are considering permanent shifts or hybrid approaches for some portion of their employees to remote work. The typical medium-sized enterprise uses dozens of SaaS applications on a daily basis and also requires access to other administrative and operational resources, such as internal file sharing systems. The conventional approach was to have users tunnel into a single location via their VPN where entitlements and policies could be centrally applied and enforced.

However, as many enterprise CIOs have come to learn, this approach also represents a network choke point that degrades the user experience and requires the organization to invest in larger and more costly inspection devices to manage and inspect the traffic. Secure Web Gateways and next generation Firewall as a Service vendors have emerged to address this gap by distributing these inspection engines to regional PoP locations and partnering with SaaS vendors to apply security in the cloud environment – or what we call Cloud Access Service Brokers (CASB).

But what If the user needs to connect back into the corporate network? How can you leverage the advantages of SD-WAN while still having a single security policy when users return to their homes or elsewhere?

SASE was designed with the end user in mind and begins with the idea of zero trust. So long as the user can verify their identification and the connecting device then it doesn’t matter where the user is physically located. In this type of environment, a trusted user can only connect to the specific resources they’re trying to access and nothing else, which is often enabled by an software-defined perimeter (SDP).

Unlike traditional VPN solutions which centralize all of these inspection points, a SASE approach distributes all of these checkpoints across various regions, improving the efficiency of network resources and reducing the latency found in a conventional ‘hub and spoke’ model.

Ultimately this helps address the complexity of managing these components as separate point solutions that each require their own sets of tools to master. SASE offers a common and centralized cloud-based toolset that improves visibility and control across these systems, which can then be managed and orchestrated in the cloud with policy-setting distributed at the network edge.

The Benefits That SASE Can Deliver

For organizations with distributed users and applications, this convergence of critical IT capabilities offers enterprises significant benefits, including the ability to:

  • Optimize & Scale Performance: maximize business productivity by optimizing network and application performance wherever users are based while enhancing access and response times to cloud-based applications
  • Accelerate Security Deployment & Incident Response: implement identity-based security policies, introduce security controls from the cloud, and improve incident response times by leveraging threat intelligence aggregated across all cybersecurity solutions
  • Simplify Visibility & Control: view and holistically manage consolidated networking and security services from both a single “pane of glass” as well as from a single operator
  • Improve Opex Efficiency: operate more efficiently by automating networking functions, modernizing branch technology, and using virtualized network functions in a more flexible OpEx model.

While the expanding edge of the enterprise network creates opportunities for innovation, it also creates new vectors for cybersecurity threats and introduces complexities that challenge the basic IT function of providing secure and reliable access to protected resources. With SASE, virtually every process can be streamlined and securely applied — allowing you to do more with fewer resources. This integrated architectural approach is what will enable enterprises to confidently adopt immersive digital experiences across distributed environments.

In the next post in our SASE series, we’ll examine some of the most common use cases that are ideally suited to a SASE approach.

This content is provided for informational purposes only and may require additional research and substantiation by the end user. In addition, the information is provided “as is” without any warranty or condition of any kind, either express or implied. Use of this information is at the end user’s own risk. Lumen does not warrant that the information will meet the end user’s requirements or that the implementation or usage of this information will result in the desired outcome of the end user. All third-party company and product or service names referenced in this article are for identification purposes only and do not imply endorsement or affiliation with Lumen. This document represents Lumen’s products and offerings as of the date of issue. Services not available everywhere. Business customers only. Lumen may change or cancel products and services or substitute similar products and services at its sole discretion without notice. ©2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.

Jon Paul "JP" McLeary

Jon Paul McLeary
Jon Paul “JP” McLeary is a brand messaging leader for Lumen, responsible for developing the strategic messaging that supports Lumen’s purpose, vision and mission across various parts of the company. JP has previously managed cross-regional field marketing teams as well as media relations strategy, including crisis communications. JP received his MA in Communications from San Diego State University along with an undergraduate degree from Point Loma Nazarene University.